Winter in Canada can throw slush, deep snow, slick cold pavement, and sheets of ice under your tires. In the holiday season, travel is an unavoidable reality for many Canadians, so be sure your car is prepared for the trip.
Here are some things you should check before the snow hits:
- Battery life: cold is generally detrimental to batteries, ensure secure and corrosion-free connections.
- Check your brakes: worn brakes are not something worth risking on slippery roads.
- Wax your lights: headlight covers can get cloudy, make sure they’re clean and free of ice and snow.
- Tire pressure: a 5-degree difference in temperature can change the pressure of your tires by 1psi.
- Gas tank: keep it at least half full to prevent your gas line from freezing.
- Avoid cruising: if your tires slip in cruise control, your car will accelerate to try to maintain that speed, causing tires to spin out.

Make sure you get your car checked out before winter comes. When bringing your car to Herman’s Auto for winter maintenance, we will:
- Check tires, steering, suspension
- Check heating system
- Check wipers and lights
- Check coolant freeze point
Winter driving can be very dangerous, so exercise caution, take it slow in poor weather conditions, and be sure to accelerate and brake gradually. If the look of the weather makes you nervous, don’t risk it, pull over or just stay in and wait it out.
Driving in winter without getting your car checked can be dangerous. Trust in Herman’s Auto to ensure that your car is up to snuff during winter treks. Our experienced technicians will help you drive with confidence.